Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Ted Rall - 8 Ways to Fix the Presidential Elections, or "Wait, Why Do We Need a President?

Ted Rall, political cartoonist/commentator, has an article up suggesting 8 ways to fix the "messed up" presidential elections.  One of them is to lower the age limit from 35 to any age so his favorite politician, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez can be his president.

He even offers France as one way to fix our "mess".

"U.S.-style political TV ads are banned in France. No matter how small their party, each candidate gets a small number of official statements on the air. In the second-round general election, the airtime of each candidate is exactly equal.  Like France, we can and should limit campaign spending to give new and outside voices an equal chance at getting their opinions out to voters."
Wait a minute, aren't citizens in France protesting with yellow vests on because they don't live in a democracy?   Don't they have a president named Macron who thinks he's a fucking dictator and that almost everyone hates.?  Wasn't the one before that a guy named Hollande who was one of the most unpopular French presidents in history?

Ya, good idea Ted, let's be like France.  Maybe be like France and elect AOC for president, right Ted?  Let her write us some good Executive Orders and fix our "mess".  Maybe AOC can be just like Macron.

There must be something wrong with me.  I keep thinking of really stupid questions like, "Why do we need a President?", and "Maybe having one person with that much power needs to be debated and other options considered"?  Or, "Why can't Trump be the last straw?"

But I'm pissing against the wind on that one.  Humans seems to have one way to roll, with a supreme being over them somehow, someway, from God on down.  Unfortunately, following someone off a cliff still has appeal even though single people, usually men, with power over countries have been one of human's biggest problems throughout their brief history on this planet. 

Maybe the missing link is actually the lemming.

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