Sunday, March 10, 2019

AOC is an Actress Hired for a Role. That's What We've Become

Check out this video.  This has been going around for awhile but this guy summarizes the issues pretty well.  Evidently Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is nothing more than an actress chosen from a major casting call by the Justice Democrats to perform as a Congressional representative.  Basically everything she says in formal settings is based on a script provided to her by her handlers.  That's why when she goes off script, or is forced to speak off-script, she sounds so fucking naïve and ill informed.

I can just hear her progressive supporters justifying this.  Obviously this isn't democracy.  How is this any different than the billionaires using their money to hire their own politicians?  The Justice Democrats used a corrupt and rigged system to place their own representative in Congress who is now following their direction.

Check out the part about the Green New Deal, pretty funny.  Around the 4 minute mark.  It proves what some of us said from the beginning, this wasn't AOC's Green New Deal as the media and progressives try to make it out to be, she had nothing to do with it.  She is simply the mouthpiece for those that hired her.

I don't know, this is actually pretty sickening. Maybe it's not so different from business as usual in our vaunted political system.  But it's another reason why we the people need to get together and not just demand, but force democracy in this country. If not, we're all just props in a giant movie we have no say in whatsoever.

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