Saturday, December 10, 2016

Warmongers/Zionists want to "Restore Coercion" on Iran

As one digs deeper into the national character of the Americans, one sees that they have sought the value of everything in this world only in the answer to this single question: how much money will it bring in ?"(Alexis de Tocqueville)

The chips certainly seem to be lining up for Iran to be the next target of the United States empire.  You can't underestimate what comes out of all these ruling elite funded think tanks, institutes and other organizations regarding government actions and policies.  The United Against a Nuclear Iran organization is a Zionist backed neocon organization ( that has been prepping to guide the next president toward a war with Iran.

"United Against a Nuclear Iran (UANI), an organization packed to the gills with a bipartisan who’s who of hawkish figures, held an event on the “Future of Iran Policy” in Washington DC. Unsurprising, given the list of attendees, the future they envision is war, and lots of it.

The event headlined by Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R – FL) and former Sen. Joe Lieberman saw calls to “restore coercion” against Iran, with several figures advocating that the US accept the limits of sanctions alone by sinking Iranian naval vessels in the Persian Gulf."

"Restore Coercion".  These incredibly childish assholes that occupy this status in our society, somefuckinghow, want U.S. warships to unilaterally attack Iranian naval vessels because, among other reasons, "Israel is unilaterally attacking Syrian military targets in Syria".

Isn't it funny how things just seep into our created reality.  They think nothing of advocating for war crimes while readily admitting Israel is committing war crimes in Syria.  But few catch it, it's like it's OK.  Syria is bad, Iran is bad, so Israel and the U.S. doing these things must be justified. These figures, government officials, a Senator, people from the Defense of Democracies, which by the way is represented in Trump's administration picks, meet for this high powered meeting and advocate for and admit to war crimes.  And it's reported as a legitimate meeting of experts and professionals recommending legitimate U.S. actions against an enemy.  

I call it insane.  These fuckers live in a different world than you and me.  It's like Carlin said, "it's a small club, and you and me ain't in it".

People on the left and right still think Trump and his selections of anti-Islam, anti-Iran, anti-Russia, anti-China, pro-imperialism, pro-governnance by sociopath generals and establishment garbage will bring an improvement in how the United States conducts itself on the planet.  Trump won't and can't change destiny.

"William Henry Seward, who would later acquire Alaska as the “drawbridge to Asia” avowed that control of the North American continent would “ensure the controlling interest of the world”… “Multiply your ships,” he urged “and send them forth to the East… The nation that draws most materials and provisions from the earth, and fabricates the most and sells the most…must be, and will be the great power of the earth.” In short order (1853) seeking safe harbors from which to penetrate the landmass of Asia, the U.S. overtly threatened Japan with armed force to open her doors to commerce on terms dictated by American warships. The result was that the island nation would soon imitate and compete with her European and American challengers, seeking to beat them at their own game, leading ultimately to the Pacific War of the 20th century and Hiroshima and Nagasaki."

"Such reveries would require the expansion of naval power, a proposition the emerging steel and ship building trusts and their Washington confederates, especially Theodore Roosevelt, leapt to initiate. As the U.S. provoked tensions with doddering Spain Teddy gushed that “I should say that I would welcome a foreign war. It is very difficult for me not to wish war with Spain for that would result at once in getting a proper navy. In strict confidence I should welcome almost any war.” Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, scion of Boston “Brahmins,” boasted that “We have a record of conquest, colonization and expansion unequalled by any people in the 19th century …for the sake of our commercial prosperity we ought to seize the Hawaiian Islands now.” Roosevelt added that it “would be a crime against white civilization not to annex Hawaii.” Teddy then ginned up his war with Spain. Close advisers like historian Brooks Adams, descendant of John and John Quincy, thrilled that “this war is the first gun in the battle for ownership of the world.” In the Senate Albert Beveridge proclaimed that “The power that rules the Pacific rules the world.”

After things settled in this country, after the "revolution" and Constitution and War of 1812, those who control this country set out to do what they're still trying to do today, rule the world. 

If you think Trump is going to change that I've got a hotel room in Trump Tower to sell you.

This is how we can take away their power and put it in our hands, by demanding, no, dictating an end to the quest to rule the world.  The corporations, banks, the entire oligarchy can be brought down by ending what sustains them.  Then we can start all over.

I propose First Nation Native Americans join with Veterans for Peace to form a movement to end U.S. imperialism.

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