Sunday, December 11, 2016

Power to the People My Ass

A rant.

Depressing.  I've never been "involved" in politics.  Never volunteered for a political campaign, joined a political party, canvassed for votes, etc.  I've never wanted anything to do with it.  I've known since an early age that it was all a farce, a system to keep us in our place, to make us believe we actually have a say in things. Those fuckers never represented me and never will.

I've never had a say on a damn thing regarding how this country is run in my 61 years. So all this talk on this site about the democratic party, what they did wrong, what kind of "intellectual" excuses they're making, who they're appointing to leadership positions, why they just don't fucking get it, it's all past me, man.  That's party politics, I can't do it and won't do it.

I wrote an essay I titled, "It's Time for Power to the People", in which I hoped that the Native American led protests in North Dakota could be a springboard to a real people's revolution, not some fake same old thing bullshit mostly tied to the political system.  Someone in the comment thread linked to an effort led by Shaun King to expand on the "victory" at Standing Rock by "launching an injustice boycott".

Shawn King, I don't know I'd have to look it up, was some dude on Daily Kos wasn't he?  Then he got a paid gig somewhere?  I saw his schtick while at the Orange Satan and didn't pay much attention.  I couldn't understand the infatuation about him, but whatever. He seems to have some sort of following still, even though he evidently supported Hillary Clinton.  I mean come on, I'm speaking from a radical pov here, support Clinton and you're nowhere near that. In fact you are fucking against it.  Sorry.

Looking at King's site and his claim he had 200K people ready to take over the fucking world by boycotting businesses and banks to get some unknown demands met, I became depressed.  That was on top of another effort over at Popular Resistance, by Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, Occupiers, I saw at their website.  Same old shit, a bunch of demands, no way they're going to be met and we'll have another fucking election.  There isn't even a hint of trying to get Power to the People.  King is not even responding to requests for clarification on wtf the demands are.  What are the demands, man, what do we want?

Power to the People?  Maybe not.

I'm sorry, but the protests over DAPL by the Native Americans might be emotionally symbolic for liberals and progressives but it ain't shit.  It's not going to put even a dent in the fact that we're ruled by rich people and we currently have no fucking say in how they rule us.  They do to us whatever the want, whenever they want and we can't do shit about it.  Hell, Trump just nominated the CEO of Exxon Mobil as Secretary of State!  Talk about in your face.  It's like, I raise you the pot assholes. 

Here's King's plan.

"It’s an organized resistance, driven by local people and activists, supported by passionate believers all over the country and around the world. Just as the Montgomery Bus Boycott lasted for 381 days, we are prepared for this boycott to last as it takes to make change happen. Indeed, we won’t stop until it does. This boycott will not weaken, but will grow in size, strength, reach, and power every single day."

It's just another weak ass effort to funnel people into a dead end that won't amount to anything and will take away energy from forming an independent movement to take down this fucking government and political system.

But maybe nobody wants to take down the fucking government anymore, they just want fifteen bucks an hour and better healthcare.  And a job. 'Hey, give me a job and you can do whatever the fuck you want".

There's also the People's Revolution, the People's Action Institute, there are people who are going to protest Trump's inauguration, we've seen this kind of stuff forever.  It's never about really seeking Power to the People, it's always about seeking Alms for the Poor.  "We want our jobs back, we want fifteen bucks an hour, we want justice!  We want to complain about how you're treating us dammit!"  "We don't want Trump!" 

Which means somebody else would be OK, just not Trump.
No man, we should want the power.  Isn't that what it's all about?   I included a quote at the top of my other essay, "We have one demand, Power to the People".  I think that's it.  What do we all complain about?  That we don't have the power, that we're controlled by an oligarchy, rich people and corporations.  They make all the rules, they get all the wealth, we are the Serfs.  The banks own the place.  It's the same old story.  Do we really want the power or not?

Demanding all these supposed improvements to our lives and country, like fifteen dollar minimum wage, improving Medicare, ending the war in Afghanistan, etc., is not going to change the fact that we don't live in a democracy and we're ruled like the Serfs of past.  Trying to have a voice through third party political parties is not going to change that.  Trying to work within the duopoly will never change it.  Tulsi Gabbard, the new hero of the democrats, won't change it.  We're going to have to do way more than that.  If WE had the power we wouldn't have to continually demand things from the Rich People who Rule Us, we could decide that for ourselves.  That's democracy, but do we really want it?  

It's funny.  People active in politics, are members of a political party and vote regularly criticize those who don't as being apathetic, lazy, not interested, etc.  Yet, these same people are too lazy and apathetic to do anything more than allow politicians to make their decisions for them.  They don't want the power, they want to give the power to politicians.  They want leaders and heroes and stars, oh my. 

I'm not sure if enough people want to really change how we govern ourselves.  In fact, I KNOW most people either don't want to or don't care.  I know a lot of people do, I'm not alone in my feelings, we all are rarely alone in our feelings.   I look at Trump and who he's appointing, or trying to appoint to his administration, a bunch of billionaires, millionaires, corporate CEOs and generals and I say we have to take these bastards down.  Not just Trump and his faction but the entire oligarchy.  We have to stop this shit and it won't happen unless we fucking try.  This Trump administration is lining up to be the next level of oligarchic and fascist rule over We the Serfs.  It is, people better wake up to that quick.

But it's turning into the same old thing real quick.  On the "left", the Berniecrats and Hillarybots are blaming each other while both are proposing what can be done to rebuild the party.  Tulsi Gabbard is the new progressive hero, hail, hail, 2020.  I wonder how many have truly vetted her, let alone the fact that she's a democratic party politician just like Bernie was.  The democratic party is going to reinvent itself donchaknow.  It's all about the economy, now they get it.  The object becomes take down Trump and the republicans via the democratic party by playing their part in Great American Political Theater. That's the only real way isn't it? 

I feel like I could go to sleep for two years and everything will be the same, only worse.  

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