Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Trump, Blair made a Mistake and Bibi is a Great Guy

The billionaire Trump has been speaking out of both sides of his mouth during his campaign for President of the Empire.  He'll say some sensible things about foreign policies but then he'll show his true colors. 

Here's what he's said about Israel and the Zionists like Adelson who are supporting him and Israel's own war criminal extraordinaire Netanyahoo. 

“And we’re going to take great care of Israel. We’re going to cherish and protect Israel.”
He said Israel has every right to keep the West Bank settlements because:

“There are thousands of missiles being launched into Israel. Who would put up with that? Who would stand for it?"

Absolute bullshit.

“I’m very close to Israel . . .very close. I have a great relationship, very close. Far better than our president has. I know Bibi very well. In fact, he asked me if I’d do a commercial for him. In fact, I’m the only so-called celebrity that did a commercial for him.”

Zionist Israel is a primary reason for the Middle East/North Africa wars and the War OF Terror.  I wonder if Trump even knows about the Oded Yinon plan.  It's true many of the neocons are not lining up behind Trump, but it's not like he wouldn't do their bidding once he got in office.

He's talked about bringing back a "helluva lot worse than waterboarding" and expanding the War OF Terror to get the Muslims, ignoring or not understanding what the War OF Terror is really about.
Now he says this about the war criminal Blair,

"The presumptive Republican presidential nominee said Blair did a "terrible job" by invading Iraq, adding that he should have stood up to Bush. He also warned the Chilcot inquiry will be a "disaster" for the Labour Party’s prime minister.

So he's saying something sensible on the one hand, that the British leaders shouldn't be subservient to the White House, but then he says invading Iraq was a "terrible job" and did not constitute war crimes.

"I don't see it as war crimes," Trump said. "I just think he goes down as somebody who did a terrible job. Bush got us into it, that's a terrible, terrible thing that happened."

I can't imagine how the Iraqi people feel to have to hear that shit.  I can't imagine how pissed off that makes the people seriously going after that scumbag war criminal Blair, and there are more than a few.  Here they are trying to bring to justice a psycho murdering bastard and along comes Trump the Empire Presidential candidate saying killing over a million people isn't an evil war crime, an ultimate crime against humanity, but a terrible mistake.  This fucker is so clueless it makes him all the more dangerous.

Fuck you Trump.

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