Sunday, May 22, 2016

The Absurdity of the Home of the Brave

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself".

Think about that statement.  Not for what FDR meant then but for what it means now. 
"America is exceptional alright. It is the most frightened nation on Earth, subjected to hysterical propaganda over decades warning about foreign enemies and ideologies. No wonder its supposed democratic freedom is in so appallingly bad shape, when the preponderant population is imprisoned by their rulers in a virtual cage of fear."

I've been saying since the War OF Terror began after the neocon orchestrated New Pearl Harbor and the resulting attack on our freedom that the American people were nothing but scared little sheeple.  I don't know how many times I told someone who supported the manufactured Global War OF Terror that they should stay under their fucking beds instead of subjecting the rest of the planet to their bullshit war on terror.

We go to the airport and stand in lines for hours, take off our shoes, lower our pants, all because our government is keeping us safe.  How absurd is that?  Shit, it makes me feel like we're just fucking animals on an Animal Farm.  We allow our government to wage endless wars, to implement unreal domestic security and intelligence actions like spying on everything we do.  We let them create a Department of Homeland Security that has now invaded every aspect of our society.

The fear has made us prisoners. 

FDR was right, we do have nothing to fear but fear itself.  Fear is keeping us shackled in chains while those sowing it commit their heinous crimes against humanity.  Fear has ruined this country.

I grew up in the sixties and remember all the John Wayne, Chevrolet and apple pie bullshit, American the land of the free, home of the brave. 

Home of the Brave.  What a fucking joke.  Home of the scared shitless is more like it.  And the ones who think they're the bravest are the ones most likely to be the most scared shitless.  The ones who are afraid of the Moooslims coming across the border and murdering them in their beds.  The ones who believe all the propaganda and lies our government and the ruling class media spread while they drive their trucks with gun racks in the back window.
"Clooney dismissed Trump as a demagogue sowing fear and divisive tensions along racial and xenophobic lines. Which is fair enough. Of interest here is not so much the actor’s views on Trump’s chances of political success. Rather, it is Clooney’s premise that Americans would not succumb to reactionary fear peddling.
Seated at the press conference alongside his American co-star Julia Roberts and film director Jody Foster, Clooney told his Cannes audience: "Fear is not going to drive our country… we’re not afraid of anything."

Clooney, another Hollywood liberal asshole, a supporter of war criminal Hillary Clinton, says "we're" not afraid of anything.  Go make a movie or something George.  You're as scared shitless as the rest of them if you're supporting Hillary Clinton for President.  At this point in time, is there anyone thought of as a warmonger ON THE PLANET more than Hillary Clinton? 

American scared sheeple.  Ya, that's the problem.

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