Monday, April 4, 2016

NCAA Basketball Championship Game Glorifies Murderous U.S. Wars and Imperialism

Growing up and maturing during the Cold War (Part I) and the Asian communism era the American public was bombarded with media depicting the Soviet Union and China public as cold, obedient brainwashed robots. That's the perception the western ruling class wanted to make to create the de-humanization mindset necessary for their own brainwashing of the American people. A good deal of it was true, communist propaganda and brainwashing did it's job well keeping the masses controlled.

I played professional basketball in West Germany in the 80's and in one tournament we played a team from Yugoslavia, a communist controlled country at the time. I had my perception and they sure did their part in reinforcing it with their unsmiling, nearly robotic approach to playing the game.

Tonight I watched the College men's championship basketball game, a major athletic event in this country. To prepare for the game they had the usual singing of the Star Spangled Banner. First they made a big deal about the U.S. military, introducing members from each of the Armed Forces. Then a Sailor from the U.S. Navy in dress blues sang the song. 

Americans are no different than the Communists were, they're just as brainwashed and controlled. Of course as it turns out, we've always been the same.

I once didn't notice, but once you do it changes everything. Watching the spectacle of all the humans paying homage to a murderous, imperialist military that is trying to maintain Full Spectrum Dominance over the entire planet, it's atmosphere and space to enrich the ruling class reminded me of the brainwashed communists watching their parades with the tanks and jets parading by. Or all the people raising their hand outstretched toward the sky in the "Hitler Salute".

It makes me wonder how many people have actually reached the point I have, the point where you not just realize, but KNOW, that's it all been an illusion. That we've all been led along to live our lives in a constructed manner without thinking about the terrible basis behind all of it. Without thinking about the fact that humans have not changed their warring ways for 7000 years, still unable to progress past it.

I'm reminded of the Doors famous song, "Break on Through (to the other side)". Maybe humans are simply hard wired for war, maybe it can never end. Or maybe if enough people can see through the illusions we can reach a turning point in human civilization. Maybe if more people knew about the lies and the deceit.

1 comment:

  1. Just now encountered your blog. While reading this post, I was in the midst of highlighting a few portions, to quote and expound upon, when I realized it was futile...the whole damn thing resonates!

    Especially this: "I once didn't notice, but once you do it changes everything." I remember getting an inkling during Bush 1, some more during Clinton...but you push back, resist...those 'thoughts' counter everything you 'knew' about this country, what you had been taught for a lifetime. But the real clincher for me, when I absolutely KNEW that I, along with many others were brainwashed, was watching the escalation of atrocities with BushII/Obama, combined with all the rationalizations/justifications for civilian drone killing, citizen executions without trial, Gitmo...everything exposed, and those same people that decry those 'bastard other party', are now rationalizing things because hope/change...good guy!

    Then, an start rereading history, see the mounting truth that it's nearly all lies, deceit, misrepresentation...much of which didn't make much sense, until now, because the 'stuff' that didn't quite add up, becomes self-evident as deliberate and intentional cruelty.

    I'm with you. It's all been an illusion. We are a destructive, violent, unrepentant empire and will be for the foreseeable future.

    Tragic and sad to have that wall shattered, but I suppose in some ways, I'm glad to know the truth.

    Good blog.
