Friday, April 1, 2016

Hillary Clinton Cannot Earn your Vote, She's a Murderer

I've been seeing this absurd notion from many Sanders supporters in their process of deciding what to do if Sanders is not the nominee that Clinton would have to earn their vote. The premise is if Clinton adopts some of Sanders' proposals and platforms, i.e., the proverbial moving to the left thing, then maybe they would vote for her after all, just like Bernie will tell them to do. They say as long as Bernie asks them to vote for Clinton for the right reasons and not just to beat the Republicans, then maybe, just maybe, they'll vote for a WAR CRIMINAL.

OK then, those saying this are showing their true colors. They're Sanders supporters who the Bernie was going to use to start a "Revolucion" and yet they're saying that they would vote for Hillary Clinton under the right circumstances.

Again I ask, what the fuck kind of revolution are they running? If they're actually willing to vote for a MURDERER, what does that say about what they'd accept as their so called revolution? Many if not most have been told, informed, and absorbed by osmosis the fact that Hillary Clinton, along with Barack Obama, was the guiding force behind the illegal and immoral war against Libya. They've been told that Clinton is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands and the displacement of millions.

And yet they're willing to vote for her if she pledges to seek single payer, free college, and more taxes on Wall Street.

What am I missing here?

This is something I've been struggling with for some time now. The fact that people will get "up in arms" about a child molester living down the street, or a serial killer, or a serial rapist, wanting them to be put away for life. Their disgust is palpable as it should be. Yet the knowledge that the Secretary of State and President of the United States of Empire ordered an illegal bombing of a sovereign country based on lies resulting in the MASS MURDER of hundreds of thousands doesn't register as comparable. They've accepted that as OK because it's the government. Because it's the President and the Secretary of State and that's what they've always done.

When you think about it and really get down to the substance of it all, the history of human behavior, it's pretty amazing we haven't evolved farther than this. It's like Truman bombing Nagasaki and Hiroshima killing over two hundred thousand. A completely illegal and immoral act, saying it was unnecessary shouldn't even be in the conversation. And yet it's accepted that these are the decisions our government leaders have to make and the results are part of the deal. Kissinger and the million dead in Cambodia. Vietnam and LBJ. Bush and Iraq. Obama and Clinton in Syria and Libya. On and on it goes, where it stops nobody knows.

Hillary Clinton can't earn anyone's vote, she's a mass murdering psychopath. Suggesting that if she just says the right things while political campaigning is stuck in an era long past. 

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