Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Review of the Movie 1917

I haven't seen it, just saw a commercial.

Here's my review,

"good movie but the real story or lesson will be missed by almost everyone.  while most will focus on the inspirational courageousness which the movie highlights, they will miss the fact that WWI was an unbelievable example of the hubris of the ruling classes to sacrifice the young people of their countries for greed and power.  they will also miss the fact that they are part of the problem for accepting such hubris and allowing the rich to take their young for their own greedy and lust driven purposes and for believing the lies and illusions that cause the untimely deaths of millions of hapless young men"

I don't know, maybe somewhere in the movie there are truths toward that end, but I doubt it.

There's my review.  Will I watch it?  Maybe.  I usually do not watch any movies related to wars and imperialism because they are ALL sickening propaganda messages meant to keep the imperialist lies alive and the deaths of hapless citizens to continue.  But this one might provide some useful information and entertainment to those that know the real truth behind this country.

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