Saturday, July 20, 2019

Cowards and The Purge

So now that the owner of C99 has conducted his purge, his loyal followers are pouring it on.

Here's a comment by someone calling him or herself dervish:

"There are a few people here who always piss and moan anytime there's a potential to take positive action. They love their fear and cynicism too much to ever hit the streets or challenge authority.
Ignore the cowards, and fight. We'll win 2020 or we'll wear yellow vests, or maybe both, but we're going to fight."
Cowards.  They're calling those of us who oppose the democratic party and the duopoly political system cowards.  I saw a few other comments like that also and the owner of the blog says not a thing about it, in fact, he's advocating for it.  This is his way to purge the dissenters to the democratic party which is exactly why some of the C99ers felt emboldened to help run off the non-partisans.  Now it's turning the same way it did on the Daily Kos after that owner issued his purge edict and his followers felt emboldened to run off the stragglers, which they did.  I even saw one charter member encouraging his fellow partisans to do just that, i.e., do their job for the owner. 
What a bunch of hypocrites.  Not all, but a good portion. They say how open they are and how they want all voices, yet then they say they don't want the people who argue against their silly election games.   They call us cowards.

Right on cue, the favorite C99 writer, an unabashed democratic party partisan, posts an essay titled, "Why it's different this time", doing his sheepdogging duties to convince people the democratic party can be reformed by the "new progressives".  It gets fifty thumbs ups, a hefty sum for essays there lately, clearly showing that most of the regulars, and most probably lurkers, are democratic party partisans.  Makes me wonder about the entire premise of that blog, kind of like the CIA thing with Daily Kos.  What's the real purpose?

That's a good picture of the left in general right there.  Filled with hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance and most of it tracks right to the democratic party. Same thing on the right side, with many conservatives.  The duopoly political system is the biggest divider of the people out there. That's why they're starting these elections so early, almost directly after the last one, to keep the sheeple focusing on electing politicians instead of forming an independent movement to challenge the oligarchy and their political system.  It works, you can see it in spades on C99 and other democratic party leaning blogs.

But you can't tell them that, then you're a coward for not wanting to vote for the democratic party, for being a party pooper, a naysayer, a depressed and angry cynic.  These are the same people who after Bernie got shafted (supposedly) were so disgusted with the system that they "demexited".  Now they're calling those of us who refuse to play with the democratic party, cowards.  Reminds me of the Bush/Obama thing, when the democrats would oppose war under Bush but support it under Obama.   Same type of thing, a sort of blind tribal allegiance that supercedes any moral or ethical positions on issues.

Even one of their charter members is trying to call out the Daily Kos type behavior, like the accusations of racism, calling other members a racist because they're not falling for the "gang's" bullshit.  This is one who got all over my case for criticizing democratic party politicians, specifically Gabbard, not that long ago.  Real nasty comment to me of what was just my opinion. She basically told me to get out at the time.  Now she's chastising other people for doing the same?  Right.

I invested a lot of time and money into that blog. At times I was one of the few main writers keeping the content going and I recall the owner thanking me for that.  I was given front page power, I could front page my own stuff.  But now things have changed.  Well, I haven't changed.  You can go back and look at my earlier writing on Daily Kos and C99, I haven't changed.  But now I'm persona non gratis.  Now, I'm a fucking coward.  What changed?  Another election.  And that says it all about C99.  Some will say it was how I communicated, the words I chose and how I said them.  Bullshit, it was always the message, those that want to vote for democratic party politicians and still believe the party can be reformed simply don't want to hear about it any longer.  An election is ongoing and that's all they fucking want.  

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