Saturday, February 23, 2019

The Rich Having their Way in Britain

Here's a sobering article about the economic situation in Britain which evidently is becoming more and more "dire" for the bulk of the population, i.e., the non-rich.

"As a recent study penned by the Lancaster University shows that Theresa May’s austerity measures and budget cuts may be regarded as a form of social genocide. The study underlines that austerity can be understood as a form of structural violence, violence that is built into society and is expressed in unequal power and unequal life chances, as it is deepens inequalities and injustices, and creates even more poverty. This suggests that as a result of the violence of austerity working class people face harm to their physical and mental wellbeing and in some instances are ‘socially murdered.’

Moreover, the study presents a list of examples of where social security austerity has led to a range of harms. Those are 

· an additional six suicides for every 10,000 work capability

· increasing number of people in Britain dying of malnutrition

· increasing numbers of homeless people dying on the streets or in hostels

The dire situation that regular British citizens have found themselves in finds some form of reflection in the British media, but those stories leave Theresa May and her government unsympathetic. For instance, recently a number of UK newspapers would circulate the story of a British war hero, who back in 2013 fought off Taliban militants in Afghanistan for 90 minutes after being shot through the neck, being forced to sells his medals to improve his living conditions."

It's the same almost everywhere, the rich control our political systems and the working class or whatever you want to call the bottom 80-90% of the populations who can't do shit about it.  UNLESS, they revolt and demand a new fucking political system!

End Rule by the Rich! Demand Freedom!

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