Friday, June 29, 2018

You Say We NEED a Revolution? Then Let's Do It

"Who in those years (the Vietnam years) would have ever imagined that Americans might fight their wars (unsuccessfully) to the end of time without most citizens paying the slightest attention?"Mark Karlin

Refer to the following essay:

"The United States Is a Force for Chaos Across the Planet"

I remember in the earlier part of this century, around 2006/7, telling people, mostly online, that the U.S. government and those controlling it were trying to rule the world. At that time, many, such as those at the right to center democratic party partisan blog Daily Kos, would ridicule that contention and label it as CT, "conspiracy theory", the go-to ridicule for those whose intelligence level doesn't match their shoe size.

I remember the fact that the U.S. government and those controlling it were trying to rule the world was discussed on some internet sites but it wasn't prevalent on most "alternative media".
Now it is. Of course it is 2018 so you know, the government of this country and those controlling it (stop saying we!) have been at war for seventeen fucking years and have used every lie imaginable to keep on keeping on. Even for those who with hard heads for hints, it should be evident by now what they're up to.
"Oh, they're trying to rule the world!"

Along the way these fuckers are killing people left and right, displacing them, destroying their homes, their livelihoods, their countries, stealing their shit and charging them interest. Crimes upon crimes, the people controlling and directing our government are acting like fucking sharks with cold black eyes thrashing the blood soaked waters of the planet. They won't stop, they can't stop. Shouldn't that be completely evident by now?

That's why I'm a radical and won't accept anything less, like voting for stupid fucking imperialist "progressive" democratic party politicians who will only suck up to their political party masters and keep the world domination ball rolling. That's why I call for boycotts of this perverse political system that keeps the psychopaths and sociopaths in power, keeps the rich as our rulers. The system is designed to keep it that way and it cannot be changed from within, the only way is to create a movement demanding real, or at least as close as we can get to it, democracy.
We don't live in a democracy, you can call it what you want, but you and I have no say in what those in charge of our government choose to do. It's an oligarchy, a plutocracy, a totalitarian nightmare, a fascist police state. It's a proven fact that the government of this country serves the rich, that One Percent and their sycophants who benefit from the neoliberalism, imperialism and militarism that fuels the ruling class crime syndicate. And it's a proven fact they will do anything to keep it that way. Since it's such a proven fact, you think you can change that by voting for more politicians? Come on man, that's ridiculous. If there's any historical track record more dismal and corrupted than that of the two major political parties of this country, I sure can't think of one.

That's why I don't see any other course of action than taking the ruling class down, i.e., a revolution and that it has to include challenging the veracity of this political system. It's not like this is a new idea, activists and patriots throughout U.S. history have acknowledged such an action is or could be necessary. It has to be done some time or most of the human race will not survive. It has to be done most of all to stop the killing and the crimes against all of humanity being perpetrated on a global basis by those with the most fucking money, the small global elite, particularly the elite in charge of the U.S. who have proven themselves to be fucking maniacs. That's a sick way to run a planet. It has to be done to stop the neoliberalism, militarism, imperialism and fascism on this planet.

Do you see what's happening now? It's absolutely unreal, Twilight Zone mixed with George Orwell and Ray Bradbury. I don't know why there isn't more urgency among those that know the truth. I don't know why there isn't more radical activism that involves taking down the ruling class' political system. Has the lifelong indoctrination, training and conditioning been so successful that no one can speak out against the Constitution and it's contents?

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