Wednesday, March 30, 2016

What Presidential Candidate will be better at Foreign Policy is a Ridiculous Question.

What President will be better at anything is a waste of fucking time.  We shouldn't even have a President if we had any self respect as "free" humans.  People talk about freedom while they vote for these corrupt politicians in a corrupt political system to run a corrupt government, what an unbelievably stupid human practice.  

The discussions are all wrong, that's the problem.

I've tried to make this point elsewhere on blogs like Daily Kos Too (Caucus99Percent) but look at that blog today.  A veritable firestorm of Democratic party cheerleadership via their current savior, Bernie "Fake Revolutionary" Sanders.  But alas, to no avail as they used to say when?  The Middle Ages?  I don't know, it still works. "Alas, to no avail."  They have their heads stuck so far up Bernie's ass they can't hear the sounds of their illusions crashing all around them. 

For example.  I've heard a lot of progressives and libertarians who hate Clinton the Warmonger, say they think that Trump would be better on foreign policy than Clinton. They say Trump wouldn't attack Russia, start WWIII, and all that jazz. 

Well shit, all you have to do is listen to the dumb motherfucker and you can see he's the same as all the rest of the ruling class, completely on board with the imperialist lies and false narratives we're fed daily until most people would gladly strip search to shop at 7-11 if that's what it takes to keep their sorry asses "safe". 

Here's a couple of articles explaining how Trump is just as dangerous as the rest of them, including Bernie Sanders.

It's not rocket science here.  That's the problem with a lot of those who think they're fighting against the "man".  They can't get to the point.  It's like that song, "let's get to the point, let's roll another joint".  Roll another joint man, stop with the bullshit.

We live in an oligarchy, not a democracy.  An oligarchy controlled by a plutocracy.  It's called a PLUTARCHY.  We live in a PLUTARCHY.

So why the fuck are people worrying about, wondering about, and debating about who will become the next President?   It's so worthless and shows a complete lack of understanding of where we're at on this Planet Earth as human beings.  We're at a crossroads where we can collectively continue to accept this literal prison the rich and powerful are assembling around us all, or we can wake the fuck up and take control of our own lives.  Quit letting these fucking politicians controlled by the plutocracy tell us what to do, when to do it, and when to eat shit.

It's simple.

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