Wednesday, March 30, 2016

What Presidential Candidate will be better at Foreign Policy is a Ridiculous Question.

What President will be better at anything is a waste of fucking time.  We shouldn't even have a President if we had any self respect as "free" humans.  People talk about freedom while they vote for these corrupt politicians in a corrupt political system to run a corrupt government, what an unbelievably stupid human practice.  

The discussions are all wrong, that's the problem.

I've tried to make this point elsewhere on blogs like Daily Kos Too (Caucus99Percent) but look at that blog today.  A veritable firestorm of Democratic party cheerleadership via their current savior, Bernie "Fake Revolutionary" Sanders.  But alas, to no avail as they used to say when?  The Middle Ages?  I don't know, it still works. "Alas, to no avail."  They have their heads stuck so far up Bernie's ass they can't hear the sounds of their illusions crashing all around them. 

For example.  I've heard a lot of progressives and libertarians who hate Clinton the Warmonger, say they think that Trump would be better on foreign policy than Clinton. They say Trump wouldn't attack Russia, start WWIII, and all that jazz. 

Well shit, all you have to do is listen to the dumb motherfucker and you can see he's the same as all the rest of the ruling class, completely on board with the imperialist lies and false narratives we're fed daily until most people would gladly strip search to shop at 7-11 if that's what it takes to keep their sorry asses "safe". 

Here's a couple of articles explaining how Trump is just as dangerous as the rest of them, including Bernie Sanders.

It's not rocket science here.  That's the problem with a lot of those who think they're fighting against the "man".  They can't get to the point.  It's like that song, "let's get to the point, let's roll another joint".  Roll another joint man, stop with the bullshit.

We live in an oligarchy, not a democracy.  An oligarchy controlled by a plutocracy.  It's called a PLUTARCHY.  We live in a PLUTARCHY.

So why the fuck are people worrying about, wondering about, and debating about who will become the next President?   It's so worthless and shows a complete lack of understanding of where we're at on this Planet Earth as human beings.  We're at a crossroads where we can collectively continue to accept this literal prison the rich and powerful are assembling around us all, or we can wake the fuck up and take control of our own lives.  Quit letting these fucking politicians controlled by the plutocracy tell us what to do, when to do it, and when to eat shit.

It's simple.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Bernie Sanders' Fake Revolution with the Democratic Party

The American Prospect has an article up titled, "The Long March of Bernie's Army"

Just think about that.  Haven't we heard that shit before?

"The American Prospect is a quarterly American political magazine dedicated to American liberalism. Based in Washington, D.C., The American Prospect says it aims "to advance liberal and progressive goals through reporting, analysis, and debate about today’s realities and tomorrow’s possibilities." The American Prospect was founded in 1990 by Robert Kuttner, Paul Starr, and Robert Reich."

These are establishment liberals, the most dangerous kind, that seek to steer liberal thought toward the establishment political system. Establishment liberals were instrumental in keeping the Vietnam war alive. They're the ones who support Obama's wars and the Democratic party's wars.

The article discusses Bernie Sanders' "revolution" and what's next.

"This spring, however, leaders and activists from all manner of progressive movements and organizations are rolling this stone up the hill one more time. They can recite all the reasons why Obama for America never got off the ground; some of them even worked for the Rainbow until they realized there were better places to make social change. Most of them are painfully familiar with the tragic-comic history of the American left, a largely marginal tendency in American politics that has often squandered its moments of opportunity with displays of purity and rigidity that have only left it more marginal.

"Purity?' Fuck you establishment liberals.

"And yet, many progressives believe this time may be different. It’s not that the Sanders campaign itself has incubated some kind of permanent left formation. "Bernie hasn’t built an organization; he’s built a campaign," says one left leader. "That isn’t something that endures." The task of building that enduring something, they understand, falls to them—though Sanders himself can help them along."

So who is them?

"Leaders of unions, community-organizing groups, minority organizations and student groups, prominent environmentalists and Sanders activists, precinct walkers and online campaigners—some longtime allies, some total strangers to one another—are "all in one large, shifting conversation," in the words of one such leader, to figure out how to build the Revolution once the Sanders campaign is done.

Some are planning national conclaves, like the "People’s Summit" in Chicago in mid-June, where the disparate groups in the Sanders universe will gather to lay out a common agenda. Some are planning how to prod the delegates at the Democratic Convention (including some pledged to Clinton) to shift the party well to the left. More fundamentally, they are debating ideas on how to create something—organizations, coalitions, networks, local, state, national—that can capture and build on the energy and politics that the Sanders campaign has unleashed."

So what's it really all about?

"If the Sanders revolution is going to roll on, it must begin with a kindred redefinition of the Democratic Party"

In other words, Sanders' "political revolution" is nothing more than trying to improve the Democratic party, for the establishment liberals that means pushing it to the left and the eternal quest for more and better democrats. 

What a load of shit. What a waste of time. That ain't no revolution.

Here's what Sanders' supporters love:

"Will they come over at all? Are all these experienced activists even right in hoping that this time will be different, that this time a powerful social democratic left might just take root in America’s political soil? I think they are. Chiefly because Bernie Sanders’s campaign didn’t create a new American left."

They think they're on the cusp of something important, that they're literally leading a shift in American poltiics.

Bullshit. Most of the Sanders supporters are none other than Obama supporters, the war criminal, liar extraordinaire that still maintains an over 80% approval rating from Democrats. Sure, there are some non-Democrats supporting Sanders, including some republicans, but overall his supporters is made up of Democrats. They're the ones leading this "revolution", people who support a war criminal. Now what the hell kind of revolution is that.

Let's review the definition of Revolution:

a forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a new system.

a sudden, radical, or complete changeb : a fundamental change in political organization; especially : the overthrow or renunciation of one government or ruler and the substitution of another by the governedc : activity or movement designed to effect fundamental changes in the socioeconomic situation

You know what, that's what we need in this country. Not only this country but globally. The rich rule the earth like no time before. They've achieved such control that their wealth dwarfs the combined wealth of billions on this planet. In the United States they've created a permanent underclass where half of the entire population lives at or under the poverty level. The control everything including the political system and the government. Money talks, bullshit walks, and the Serfs to them are just bullshit. We're all just bullshit.

We need a radical change in our political system and economic system. And we need it fast. People are dying, people are having their lives destroyed, forced to live under a fantastic illusion that we live in this great democracy, the protector of the world. It has to stop and we don't have decades to wait for an illusory change of the democratic party where in 30 or 40 years the situation might have shifted left enough to achieve a single payer health care system. While the wars rage on, people get killed and evicted from their homes in the name of U.S. imperialsim.

It has to stop and it won't come incrementally. It has to be in a short period of time, a rather sudden change demanded by the people. It doesn't have to be violent, it can't be violent. Like all false narratives, that's just an idea perpetuated by those that rule us to create fear about such a bold effort.

It sure as hell isn't coming from this supposed revolution by Bernie Sanders and his supporters. In fact, Sanders is hurting efforts at real change with this faux revolution talk and his faux socialist talk. I'm not convinced enough to call him disingenous, his track record doesn't indicate that. But he's certainly just another poltiician trying to skirt the edges when we need radical, and he's not a radical, not even close. He's hurting the cause and so are his supporters and time will tell that. Get back to me next year and I know I'll be proven right.

You know why it's important to call out the left. Because they're the ones talking the big game but not bringing it. They're the ones who could do something but won't because they're constantly wrapped up in establishment politics. They're the ones who still watch Meet the Press and Rachel Maddow and their local news stations, ingesting the daiily propaganda which makes it impossible for them to break through to what they think they are.

They're the democrats, they're not the repubicans. Isn't that supposed to be better? Shouldn't they be the ones who should lead a revolution to a better way of life for all?

Well maybe not. Maybe there isn't any difference between republicans and democrats. Maybe they're all just dupes who won't get out of their little oligarchy boxes.

I was asked by one why I disgusted him so much. This was from a person who is and has been a supremeo Obamabot. Why do Obamabots disgust me? Because they support a murderous war criminal, that's why. That's the thing, people are disgusted by those that supporters known murderers but when it comes to the President and our Congress, they can't seem to equate the actions they take as real crimes. So someone like war criminal Obama can illegally bomb Libya for seven months straight, killing over a hundred thousand humans and tearing the country apart, and yet they still support him.

Ya, that fucking disgusts me.