Sunday, August 7, 2016

Hillary Clinton and the United States, a Threat to Humanity

(Note:  this is in no way a defense of the scumbag called Trump)
"Imagine him in the Oval Office facing a real crisis," she said. "A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons,"
Hillary Clinton, Warmonger for President

That statement means to portray Trump (I will not say his first name) as someone who might use nuclear weapons inappropriately. The obvious inference is that the President of the Empire has the authority to use nuclear weapons and that Trump can't be trusted to use them but Clinton can.  We can trust Hillary Clinton to use nuclear weapons appropriately.  The Clinton supporters say, "ya, Hillary will use nuclear weapons appropriately!!"  Trump supporters say, "no way, Trump will use nuclear weapons appropriately!!"  You idiots.

Put aside the fact that we're dealing with the preeminent warmonger on the planet, along with Obama, and think about what that means. 

(Pause while you're thinking)

The United States of the Land of the Sheeple has an official policy of first strike use of nuclear weapons.  I've been around awhile, grew up during and participated in the Vietnam war.  I worked for the Department of the Army in Europe the five years before the Wall fell.  After the Wall fell and the Soviet Union became Russia, the nuclear weapon (Duck and Cover baby) threat we'd lived under the previous forty years faded into the background for most of us.  Fast forward to the "New American Century" and the country accusing Russia of being aggressive has been as aggressive as a Roman Empire dog in heat, implementing the policies to boot.  Believe it (fuck you Trump), there are many in the military industrial complex, our government, the Pentagon, and the thinktanks and institutes that would jump at the chance at a nuclear war against Russia.  And China for that matter.  The New World Order awaits. 

Of course class, the right answer is there should be no policy to use nuclear weapons, there should be no nuclear weapons at all.  To think otherwise is INSANE.  I don't know how else to put it to convey that kind of unbelievably inhumane perspective.   We've been there, done that, and it is unacceptable for the human race and the planet. 

The point isn't who we can trust most with the nuclear codes, the point is we can't allow any president the opportunity to use them.  Ever.  

War is a Racket.  General Smedley Butler, a gift that keeps on giving.  You know how people fantasize about going back in time and who would they most like to meet.  One of mine would be Smedley.  I don't know how we'd get along, but I'd thank him for his valuable contributions to humanity. 

War is a Racket, always, every time.  Therefore the appropriate use of nuclear weapons is a false choice.  There can be no appropriate use of nuclear weapons. 

Hillary Clinton is a war criminal, literally.  Most people can't quite get a handle on that.  Even when its explained what her role was in the Libya and Syria wars, most can't quite grasp the fact that she's a sociopathic murderer without remorse.  She, and Obama, should be arrested, charged with crimes against humanity and locked up until they meet their maker.  But that's why Kissinger, Albright, Bush, Cheney, etc., are walking around free, the sheeple just don't get it.

James Corbett tells it like it is with Clinton.  This woman is dangerous and could very well start a nuclear war.  SHE CANNOT be trusted with nuclear weapons.  No President can be trusted.  The only answer is total abolition of all nuclear weapons on the planet.  For We the Sheeple to accept anything less is asinine. 

It's not long and contains very incriminating clips of what Clinton is about.

Hillary Clinton Is A Threat To All Of Humanity

The use of nuclear weapons is not being challenged.  Hell, U.S. imperialism is not being challenged.  Think it can't happen?

"How Close Are We to Nuclear War?"

"Former Bill Clinton cabinet member Perry perceives a danger that none of this year’s presidential wannabes have paid much if any attention to. The most recent candidate to make nuclear arms a central issue was Congressman Dennis Kucinich in 2008. President Obama has played both sides of the nuclear dilemma: rounding up and securing nuclear materials around the world, but also modernizing and miniaturizing American nuclear weapons to make them more “usable.” These days, no one in leadership – or aspiring to leadership – seems committed to actually making the world any safer from nuclear catastrophe. With rare exceptions like Kucinich, this unquestioned reliance on nuclear weapons is mainstream American military group-think, endlessly echoed in mainstream media, and that’s the way it’s been for decades."

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