I'll expand on this later, but if anyone happens to see this, this is important information.
An article about that article.
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Sunday, February 24, 2019
The Number One Problem - Our Government
As reported by Eric Zuesse from Strategic Culture Foundation below, a recent Gallup poll listed 47 national “problems,” and the top ten that were selected (and the percentage of respondents per problem) were:
- The government/Poor leadership 35
- Immigration 19
- Healthcare 6
- Race relations/Racism 5
- Unifying the country 4
- Poverty/Hunger/Homelessness 4
- Environment/Pollution 3
- Ethics/Moral/Religious/Family decline 3
- Federal budget deficit/Federal debt 3
- Economy in general 3
Zeusse goes on to suggest that the United States, which has been "scientifically proven to not be a democracy", is not a democracy and is actually a dictatorship.
Some might disagree with the dictatorship label, I don't, but there's no arguing that this supposedly great country we live in, the country we've been drilled in the head since we were in diapers to believe is all about democracy, freedom and liberty, is a fake. A giant con.
And the people know it as indicated by the above Gallup poll. Over a third listed the government as the biggest problem, over everything else. They know that's the biggest problem, that unless we solve that problem, the other issues don't really matter.
And the people know it as indicated by the above Gallup poll. Over a third listed the government as the biggest problem, over everything else. They know that's the biggest problem, that unless we solve that problem, the other issues don't really matter.
In the end, that means ending rule by the rich. It means democracy, we MUST have an equal say. That is a truth spoken for centuries that will never change. Those interested in the future and those interested in making America "Great", must demand a new government that represents democracy.
Saturday, February 23, 2019
The Rich Having their Way in Britain
Here's a sobering article about the economic situation in Britain which evidently is becoming more and more "dire" for the bulk of the population, i.e., the non-rich.
"As a recent study penned by the Lancaster University shows that Theresa May’s austerity measures and budget cuts may be regarded as a form of social genocide. The study underlines that austerity can be understood as a form of structural violence, violence that is built into society and is expressed in unequal power and unequal life chances, as it is deepens inequalities and injustices, and creates even more poverty. This suggests that as a result of the violence of austerity working class people face harm to their physical and mental wellbeing and in some instances are ‘socially murdered.’
Moreover, the study presents a list of examples of where social security austerity has led to a range of harms. Those are
· an additional six suicides for every 10,000 work capability
· increasing number of people in Britain dying of malnutrition
· increasing numbers of homeless people dying on the streets or in hostels
The dire situation that regular British citizens have found themselves in finds some form of reflection in the British media, but those stories leave Theresa May and her government unsympathetic. For instance, recently a number of UK newspapers would circulate the story of a British war hero, who back in 2013 fought off Taliban militants in Afghanistan for 90 minutes after being shot through the neck, being forced to sells his medals to improve his living conditions."
https://journal-neo.org/2019/02/17/britains-dire-economic-situation-is-of-little-concern-for-theresa-may/It's the same almost everywhere, the rich control our political systems and the working class or whatever you want to call the bottom 80-90% of the populations who can't do shit about it. UNLESS, they revolt and demand a new fucking political system!
End Rule by the Rich! Demand Freedom!
Friday, February 22, 2019
7 Million People at Least 3 Months Behind on Car Payments?
The evil Federal Reserve itself is reporting that over 7 million people are at least 3 months behind on their car payments. That's pretty astounding. First thing I thought of was, how many are two months behind? And one month, or just barely staying current?
I would imagine most of these people are those with jobs, not among the 50 million in this country living below the poverty line, because they did qualify for a loan. Not that qualifying for a car loan has been all that difficult for years now.
But this statistic obviously tells a bigger story. When you combine it with the 1.4 trillion in student loan debt, the credit card debt crisis, the rent crisis, ever rising health care costs, etc., the bottom 80% of people in this country are living life on the fucking economic edge.
Next time you're out and about and you see all these people driving nice cars, you might want to look at them a little differently.
I would imagine most of these people are those with jobs, not among the 50 million in this country living below the poverty line, because they did qualify for a loan. Not that qualifying for a car loan has been all that difficult for years now.
But this statistic obviously tells a bigger story. When you combine it with the 1.4 trillion in student loan debt, the credit card debt crisis, the rent crisis, ever rising health care costs, etc., the bottom 80% of people in this country are living life on the fucking economic edge.
Next time you're out and about and you see all these people driving nice cars, you might want to look at them a little differently.
Every Democratic Party Politician Supports the Global War OF Terror
As the title states, every democratic party politician fully supports the Global War OF Terror (same with every politician in the republican party). That includes the new "Antiwar/Peace" congressional unrepresentative from Hawaii, Tulsi Gabbard, as well as Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the three favorites of the leftier portion of the democratic party, i.e., the self described progressives.
It's disheartening listening to long time supposedly antiwar citizens get on board the fake peace train of Gabbard's and completely disregard the fake Global War OF Terror, like it doesn't exist as long as she opposes regime changes for "humanitarian" reasons. But, that's how it works, remember the antiwar protests under Bush turning to full throated support for all U.S .imperialism under Obama? That turned into the democratic party becoming even more bloodthirsty than the republicans.
Hell, Trump said he was against regime changes too. Does anyone think Tulsi Gabbard could stand up to the deep state any better than Trump has, even if she is telling the truth? She's already started her own Waffle House franchise and she's just started her weird ass campaign for president.
The U.S., according to this article, is waging the war OF terror in 80 countries at this point. It's been reported that the U.S. has some kind of military related personnel in up to 175 countries.
"When I first set out to map all the places in the world where the United States is still fighting terrorism so many years later, I didn’t think it would be that hard to do. This was before the 2017 incident in Niger in which four American soldiers were killed on a counterterror mission and Americans were given an inkling of how far-reaching the war on terrorism might really be. I imagined a map that would highlight Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and Syria — the places many Americans automatically think of in association with the war on terror — as well as perhaps a dozen less-noticed countries like the Philippines and Somalia. I had no idea that I was embarking on a research odyssey that would, in its second annual update, map U.S. counterterror missions in 80 countries in 2017 and 2018, or 40% of the nations on this planet (a map first featured in Smithsonian magazine).
As co-director of the Costs of War Project at Brown University’s Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs, I’m all too aware of the costs that accompany such a sprawling overseas presence. Our project’s research shows that, since 2001, the U.S. war on terror has resulted in the loss — conservatively estimated — of almost half a million lives in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan alone. By the end of 2019, we also estimate that Washington’s global war will cost American taxpayers no less than $5.9 trillion already spent and in commitments to caring for veterans of the war throughout their lifetimes."
It's disheartening listening to long time supposedly antiwar citizens get on board the fake peace train of Gabbard's and completely disregard the fake Global War OF Terror, like it doesn't exist as long as she opposes regime changes for "humanitarian" reasons. But, that's how it works, remember the antiwar protests under Bush turning to full throated support for all U.S .imperialism under Obama? That turned into the democratic party becoming even more bloodthirsty than the republicans.
Hell, Trump said he was against regime changes too. Does anyone think Tulsi Gabbard could stand up to the deep state any better than Trump has, even if she is telling the truth? She's already started her own Waffle House franchise and she's just started her weird ass campaign for president.
The U.S., according to this article, is waging the war OF terror in 80 countries at this point. It's been reported that the U.S. has some kind of military related personnel in up to 175 countries.
"When I first set out to map all the places in the world where the United States is still fighting terrorism so many years later, I didn’t think it would be that hard to do. This was before the 2017 incident in Niger in which four American soldiers were killed on a counterterror mission and Americans were given an inkling of how far-reaching the war on terrorism might really be. I imagined a map that would highlight Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and Syria — the places many Americans automatically think of in association with the war on terror — as well as perhaps a dozen less-noticed countries like the Philippines and Somalia. I had no idea that I was embarking on a research odyssey that would, in its second annual update, map U.S. counterterror missions in 80 countries in 2017 and 2018, or 40% of the nations on this planet (a map first featured in Smithsonian magazine).
As co-director of the Costs of War Project at Brown University’s Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs, I’m all too aware of the costs that accompany such a sprawling overseas presence. Our project’s research shows that, since 2001, the U.S. war on terror has resulted in the loss — conservatively estimated — of almost half a million lives in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan alone. By the end of 2019, we also estimate that Washington’s global war will cost American taxpayers no less than $5.9 trillion already spent and in commitments to caring for veterans of the war throughout their lifetimes."
Perspective on Venezuela's "Humanitarian Crisis"
Here's a video from Max Blumenthal of him touring a Caracas supermarket. That's not to make light of the problems many people are facing in Venezuela because of various factors, chief among them the U.S. sponsored sanctions against and interference in Venezuela's internal affairs.
Keep this in mind when listening to new progressive "antiwar" heroine Tulsi Gabbard flat out state that U.S. interventions have been for humanitarian reasons, a flat out delusional lie. Also keep in mind that half the kids in this country are on food stamps, almost 80% of U.S. citizens live paycheck to paycheck, and at least 40 million people live under the poverty level, with many millions more on the brink. The population of Venezuela is about 32 million.
Maybe there should be a regime change in the United States. Let's declare We the People as the legitimate president.
Keep this in mind when listening to new progressive "antiwar" heroine Tulsi Gabbard flat out state that U.S. interventions have been for humanitarian reasons, a flat out delusional lie. Also keep in mind that half the kids in this country are on food stamps, almost 80% of U.S. citizens live paycheck to paycheck, and at least 40 million people live under the poverty level, with many millions more on the brink. The population of Venezuela is about 32 million.
Maybe there should be a regime change in the United States. Let's declare We the People as the legitimate president.
Thursday, February 21, 2019
"Con Man Bernie Sanders for President"
Article from Stephen Lendman about Bernie Sanders, one of the democratic party candidates for president.
It's very discouraging watching American lemmings, especially those that don't think they're lemmings, get caught up in the un-Democratic party's shameless early primary for the Office of the President.
I think if anything, this election is proving we can't do a damn thing about being ruled and most people just don't care. Those of us fighting for democracy will not get any help from the progressives who are early supporting Tulsi Gabbard or Bernie Sanders. They are the biggest of the hypocrites sticking to that party because they're the ones of who have admitted that the duopoly is completely corrupted and controlled by the oligarchy that rules over us.
There won't be any room for two faced politics in the revolution.
Sanders is part of the problem, not the solution, a dirty politician like most others in Washington. The 2016 Dem party platform he endorsed ignored US naked aggression, war-profiteering, Wall Street grand theft, putting privilege and profits over the general welfare, while turning a blind eye to growing censorship and tyranny.
Like most others in Washington, Sanders backs what just societies deplore. On the wrong side of vital issues, his voting record reveals the true measure of the man – a figure to oppose, along with other undemocratic Dems and Republicans.
It's very discouraging watching American lemmings, especially those that don't think they're lemmings, get caught up in the un-Democratic party's shameless early primary for the Office of the President.
I think if anything, this election is proving we can't do a damn thing about being ruled and most people just don't care. Those of us fighting for democracy will not get any help from the progressives who are early supporting Tulsi Gabbard or Bernie Sanders. They are the biggest of the hypocrites sticking to that party because they're the ones of who have admitted that the duopoly is completely corrupted and controlled by the oligarchy that rules over us.
There won't be any room for two faced politics in the revolution.
Saturday, February 16, 2019
Midnight Special - Musings on the current situation (kind of like the State of the Union but different)
My take on a few things.
The Republican and Democratic parties, or, to be more exact, the Republican-Democratic party, represent the capitalist class in the class struggle. They are the political wings of the capitalist system and such differences as arise between them relate to spoils and not to principles.
The 116th Congress is underway and it’s clear the
two oligarchy controlled political parties will accomplish nothing that will
substantively help the working class of this country (the bottom 80% that lives paycheck to paycheck) nor even attempt to solve
any of the crucial issues facing this country and the planet.
For those that give credit to some duopoly politicians like
Sanders, Gabbard and Ocasio-Cortez for “talking about socialism and antiwar”,
and give any legitimacy to the duopoly shenanigans, talk is cheap, especially
when it comes to American politicians. Look
at your history, some have always talked about it. If you haven't figured out by now how our national political system really works, then I don't know what to say. It was well known more than a hundred years ago and actually since it's inception.
As Wikipedia puts it:
“The One Hundred Sixteenth United States Congress is the
next meeting of the legislative branch of the United States federal government,
composed of the United States Senate and the United States House of
Representatives. It is scheduled to meet in Washington, D.C. from January 3,
2019 to January 3, 2021, during the final two years...”
So they're "meeting" now for two years, until 2021, with Trump as President. Two
years, particularly in duopoly bullshit time, goes by pretty quickly. There won’t be any “Green Deal”. There won’t be Medicare for All. There won’t be an end to imperialism and any
of the currently 195 wars the U.S. is waging across the planet in a frantic
attempt at pursuing it’s Manifest Destiny to rule the world.
Ridiculously and shamefully, the next election “season” has
already started in the form of the democratic party primary. Most progressives, who should at least be working to
pressure the current Congress to get it’s shit together (like they've all said needs to be done), are lining up to
debate who’s going to run, who are the front runners, who is getting the shaft,
who can beat Trump? Battle lines are being drawn between the Bernie/Tulsi
supporters and the Harris/Booker/Warren supporters as exhibited by the partisan infighting between those at the conservative democratic party blog the
Daily Kos, i.e., the Clinton wing, vs. the various offshoot Bernie/Tulsi blogs,
same as last election “season". I think it's a soap opera effect for most, they get off on the daily bullshit about their favorite politicians, even while complaining about it. It’s
truly a never ending charade because we don’t live in a fucking democracy and most claim to know it. Somehow, that always seems to be forgotten
when they trot out their next great white/black/brown hopes for a position, the
Office of the President, we should fucking abolish before it drives us all to
the grave.
Nick Brana is the national director of the Movement for a
People’s Party and organizer with the Labor-Community Campaign for an
Independent Party. Brana was a big Bernie Sanders supporter involved in his
campaign for the Democratic party’s selection to run for president. As he puts it,
“When the dust settled in November of 2018, it turned out
that the “Blue Wave” had been a corporate wave. The party establishment had
successfully blocked all but two of the progressives who challenged incumbent
Democrats. Only two progressives unseated House Democrats in all of 2018:
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ayanna Pressley. There are 435 members of
The other two progressives who are often discussed in the
media basically swapped seats with progressives who used to sit there: Rashid
Tlaib took John Conyers’ seat and Ilhan Omar took Keith Ellison’s seat."
Brana goes thru Seven Major Ways that Progressives have
Sought to Reform the Democratic Party Since 2016. And how the Party has
Thwarted them All. Worth a read but he
summarizes as follows.
"Over the past three years, progressives have engaged in
various efforts to gain influence in the Democratic Party, democratize the
Party, and elect progressives to office — and the Party has thwarted them and
consolidated its power at every step of the way.
In the midterms, the Party that came back to Washington
looks virtually indistinguishable from the one that existed before the
midterms. In fact, there the Democrats are more corporate than ever, as they
were the ones that the DCCC picked to run. The DCCC in turn worked with the
finance-friendly Blue Dog Democrats on candidate recruitment.
The “Blue Wave” was another corporate wave.
So here we are three years after progressives embarked on
this venture to try to reform the Democratic Party, and we’re back to square
one essentially, with many saying, “Well, let’s try and run a presidential
candidate again and hope for the best.”
"Back to square one". It's like Ground Hogs Day, all we need is Bill Murray playing some progressive who cognitive dissonances himself to death. Obviously the democratic party establishment let the dogs loose as early as possible to distract their followers from the fact that they won't accomplish anything. Progressives are lining up behind
their favorites, taking straw polls, dissing each side. Same old bullshit, different day. Meanwhile, progressive heroine AOC goes on tour to promote the Green New Deal which isn't hers, even thought the democrats, the oligarchy media. and AOC herself, pretend it is.
Brana's epiphany could have been earlier if he had just read
this quote from Eugene Debs in the year 1904.

"The Socialist Party and the Working Class". Eugene V. Debs' opening speech as Presidential candidate of the Socialist Party in Indianapolis, Indiana, www.marxists.org. September 1,1904.
Or this quote from W.E.B. Dubois in 1956, from his famous essay, "Why I Won't Vote".
In 1956, I shall not go to the polls. I have not registered. I believe that democracy has so far disappeared in the United States that no “two evils” exist. There is but one evil party with two names, and it will be elected despite all I can do or say. There is no third party. http://www.blackeconomicdevelopment.com/why-i-wont-vote-by-web-du-bois-the-nation-20-october-1956/
Or any of a great number of comments and commentary on the
fabled political system our rulers insist we call democracy.
People of great stature have been saying the same basic
things that Brana has concluded about this duopoly party political system since this UN-representative system was begun, and particularly since the great
capitalist surge via the industrial revolution. It should be settled, but the
masses are trained, indoctrinated, lied to, whatever it takes to keep them from
challenging the ruling class setup. It
works, it keeps working. Believe me, even when you tell people over and over, they won't get it unless they really want to. It's the illusion thing, destroying ones illusions is a difficult thing. You have to want it.
Brana’s approach is another political party. There’s a lot working against that under the
circumstances, the biggest being time. We’re well into the 21st century, a
century and a half since the industrial revolution and getting toward eight
billion people on the planet. Even if
one doesn’t believe the world is going to end in 12 years like Ocasio-Cortez if
we don’t stop flying airplanes and cow fart, time is not on our side. Building another political party up to the
point of having an impact in the Congress and Senate, i.e., by having
politicians from that party elected, could take decades if it can be done at
all. Since WWII, there have only been 4
non duopoly politicians elected to the Congress and Senate. Four, in 75 years.
And that’s going to change now? I just saw some news about how the Democratic
party is promoting some legislation that would slash funding for the Green
Party. The duopoly will do everything it
can to prevent competition from other political parties.
Maybe it’s worth an effort, far better than the ridiculously
time tested waste of time of trying to “reform” the democratic party, or move
it to the left, or “start a conversation”, which Bernie, Tulsi and AOC
supporters like to trot out to justify their continued attachment to a political system, and thus a political party, they can't envision differently. Like, even if you grant credit to them, it's not going to matter, the democratic party is fully controlled by the money makers.
In the end however, it’s going to take a movement of some
kind independent from the election process.
Along the lines of the Yellow Vest movement in France (and now elsewhere) which is focused on democracy, or even an Occupy II with all the demands whittled down to one. There has to be a
clear objective – democracy. Whatever we do, a Green New Deal, Medicare for All Improved, an end to U.S. imperialism and global militarism, it has to be done democratically. Democrats don't get the final say, republicans don't get the final say, the duopoly doesn't get the final say, the People should have the final say. That should be the first order of business for any Revolution. Any efforts otherwise won't cut it. Any efforts otherwise, like for a third party or for the democratic party, are taking resources away from what should be done.
We're in a class war as well as a war for humanity. As Warren Buffet said,
“There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.”.
They're kicking our ass more like it. The democratic and republican parties represent Buffet's class. They have to be considered opponents in the class war of the rich against everybody else. It's only with resolve like that can the people challenge the oligarchy.
We're in a class war as well as a war for humanity. As Warren Buffet said,
“There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.”.
They're kicking our ass more like it. The democratic and republican parties represent Buffet's class. They have to be considered opponents in the class war of the rich against everybody else. It's only with resolve like that can the people challenge the oligarchy.
Is the AOC Green Deal a a ploy to prevent Medicare for All Improved?
I saw some news that AOC is going on some kind of a nationwide tour promoting the Green New Deal. Really weird. Something that has no chance of happening under this political system and the democratic party is pursuing this while basically doing nothing about healthcare. They have two years of controlling Congress and they're doing this?
Talk about a national emergency, I think our health care system qualifies. Over half of all bankruptcies are caused by medical bills. People are fucking dying, costs are skyrocketing, horror stories abound. And all the democrats want to do now is talk about a Green deal that will not happen and promises that the price of drugs will go down. That's all they can handle this "meeting" of Congress because there's another election to get ready for. We all know by now that 24 out of 30 days of a sitting Congress or Senate member, and their staffs, are consumed with trying to get reelected and/or set themselves up for their well deserved bounty from their corporate sponsors.
I wonder why the democratic party and AOC herself don't give credit where credit is due - to the Green Party, which had a far better Green Deal proposal well before this new one. If they're so concerned with climate change that they believe we need a WWII type society mobilization to address it because we only have 12 years, why not seek to join forces with the Green Party?
Looks to me like it's a planned 2020 election gambit to recruit young people to the democratic party. They're using AOC as the lead cheerleader like they used Bernie Sanders previously.
Rolling healthcare into this whole totally unrealistic and unachievable plan will only serve to neuter any efforts for Medicare for All Improved during the 116th Congress. That appears to be the plan.
More reason to oppose and boycott the duopoly.
Talk about a national emergency, I think our health care system qualifies. Over half of all bankruptcies are caused by medical bills. People are fucking dying, costs are skyrocketing, horror stories abound. And all the democrats want to do now is talk about a Green deal that will not happen and promises that the price of drugs will go down. That's all they can handle this "meeting" of Congress because there's another election to get ready for. We all know by now that 24 out of 30 days of a sitting Congress or Senate member, and their staffs, are consumed with trying to get reelected and/or set themselves up for their well deserved bounty from their corporate sponsors.
I wonder why the democratic party and AOC herself don't give credit where credit is due - to the Green Party, which had a far better Green Deal proposal well before this new one. If they're so concerned with climate change that they believe we need a WWII type society mobilization to address it because we only have 12 years, why not seek to join forces with the Green Party?
Looks to me like it's a planned 2020 election gambit to recruit young people to the democratic party. They're using AOC as the lead cheerleader like they used Bernie Sanders previously.
Rolling healthcare into this whole totally unrealistic and unachievable plan will only serve to neuter any efforts for Medicare for All Improved during the 116th Congress. That appears to be the plan.
More reason to oppose and boycott the duopoly.
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